ADTF User Days: digitalwerk expands service offering
As the owner of the distribution and development licence for the ADAS software framework ADTF (Automotive Data and Time Triggered Framework), digitalwerk’s overriding goal is to make it as easy as possible for software developers to work with the tool. The central focus of the further development of ADTF is the user. To underpin this guideline and to further improve customer orientation, digitalwerk has added a new format to its service in this area with the ADTF User Days.
In addition to the existing online support platform, digitalwerk has now launched a service directly at the customer’s site with the ADTF User Days. The ADTF User Days are specifically geared towards a personal exchange about the product, its future features and feedback and wishes from users. The full-day event includes a comprehensive presentation by our ADTF specialists, during which certain applications and use cases are demonstrated directly in the tool. In addition, our experts will be available at all times to answer individual questions outside of the presentations. Open question and discussion rounds enable all participants to exchange technical information with the digtalwerkers. “With the ADTF User Days, we have created another great format in which we can discuss questions and problems in dealing with the framework directly with users and, in the best case, solve them immediately,” software architect Tobias Schmid is convinced. “We can not only exchange technical information, but also maintain personal contact with our customers and accompany them in the development of their projects.” So far, the ADTF User Days have recorded an average number of 60 participants. The feedback has been consistently positive, which is why digitalwerk will continue to rely on the on-site format at the customer’s premises in the future.
All information about ADTF and our training offers as well as the contact persons can be found on our website under the following link.