digitalwerk - Hero

Highly sophisticated
software tools for


Without proper software there is no autonomous mobility!
We at Digitalwerk enable our customers and partners to develop,
test and validate these systems.

About Us

We understand ourselves as a driver of future autonomous mobility and autonomous systems in industrial applications. Due to our many years of expertise as a partner in software development for ADAS systems, we have a very deep under- standing of the system. As a licensed partner and exclusive host of the ADTF Customer Forum, we offer our expertise to all OEMs, suppliers and development service providers involved in the development of autonomous systems.


Enrico Engel - CEO
Enrico Engel

“With ADTF, Digitalwerk brings together all standards, applications and open source in a proven form and thus allows all those involved in the development process, to concentrate on the real challenges: Creating the functionalities and safety for the autonomous driving experience of tomorrow! Digitalwerk’s SaaS models, which include maintenance and upgrades, ensure transparency and security for the OEM and Tier1 without follow-up costs!”


We combine the innovative thinking and flexible work of a young start-up with successful entrepreneurial experience from Bavarian medium-sized businesses. This ideal combination enables us to develop future-oriented ADAS tools and frameworks. In our core competencies of high-speed data processing, rapid prototyping, embedded software and vehicle verification, we challenge the status quo every day and take a holistic approach to developing benchmark solutions for tomorrow‘s automotive market.

About Digitalwerk

Digitalwerk - No.1 Network Administrator and Developer of the Automotive Ethernet.

Digitalwerk offers with ADTF a highly approved and referenced software framework including a modular system of standardized apps and tools that enable a one-stop shop experience in all application areas (rapid prototyping, simulation, data logging, validation) along the ADAS function development. Due to its knowledge and experience around the structure of the ADAS operating system and the different requirements of all parties involved in the development process, Digitalwerk ensures:

  • Maximum data throughput
  • High performance in real-time data analysis
  • Efficiency in testing of your algorithms
  • ‘Plug and Play’ of your specific hardware due to generic interfaces and buses
  • proper communication across all hardware components on your specific platform incl. hardware recommendations.
  • Integration of Open-Source Software for easy configuration and the administration of distributed systems
  • Extensive Open-Source File Library to read, write and process data streams offline on FEP, RTI-DDS and ROS2
  • C++/JS/QML SDK for customer to extend any functionality
    Multiple use of software components in various simulation sets and test setups
  • Enables developers to build up fully automated and highly scalable software solutions and cloud (post)processing tools.
  • Application and consideration of automotive standards like CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, XCP, Some/IP, Automotive Ethernet / Autosar


We develop software for the digital future in the automobile. Digitalisation in the automobile requires software from specialists.
Digitalwerk Anwendungen
Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping

Visualization of camera calibration and measurement data

Digitalwerk has been developing a system for visualizing sensor and camera data for an OEM since 2018. The result is a central configuration that connects and visualizes camera data, signals and debug information.


The visualization system is used in the development cycle when validating highly automated driving functions (e.g. development of the Lane Dection or Passenger Recognition function).


Depending on the type, data must be visualized 2 dimensionally or 3 dimensionally. This allows the customer to see offline or live in the test vehicle whether the algorithms developed by him work reliably.


ADTF as a framework was particularly suitable for this task, as existing components could be used directly and missing functionality could be implemented and integrated via the standardized ADTF interfaces.

Data Logging

Data Logging

Capturing and decoding various automotive related data streams

Digitalwerk has been supporting two OEMs in the development of the next measurement technology generations since 2019. The common goal of the respective projects, is to integrate and expand ADTF as a central unit in a tool chain in order to conveniently access, decode, process and visualize all bus data and debug interfaces with high performance.


Using ADTF, data and results from sensor data fusions were visualized in point clouds, areas and lanes in three-dimensional space. According to the requirements of the customer, the visualizations had to be designed in such a way that they could be dynamically reconfigured at runtime to meet the needs of the customer.


Within the measurement technology, raw data streams are recorded using ADTF in order to enable a realistic re-simulation or offline analysis within post-processing.


This allows results between live operation and simulation to be compared and validated.



Generation of Autosar SWC for integrated simulation

The degree of networking between software components and their number has been increasing for years. This leads to the question of how software components can be tested as efficiently and promptly as possible.


The aim of Digitalwerks AUTOSAR sidekick is, to provide a solution for testing AUTOSAR software components via ADTF.


Digitalwerks AUTOSAR sidekick generates an access layer for the finished software component so that the component can be accessed directly from ADTF. This means that the component can be tested efficiently and effectively via ADTF using various test vectors at any stage. Integration into a system network or even complex residual bus simulations are no longer necessary.

Post Processing

Post Processing

Highly scalable data verification and validation

The enormous and constantly increasing data rate in todays vehicle generations poses major challenges for all participants, involved in the development process. Depending on the type of data, the platforms, and requirements of the customer, specialized software solutions are used. Within these environments, the ADTF framework can either be directly linked to the tools or a data flow can be established via specially developed exports.

This direct and indirect degree of networking via internal as well as external Interfaces, enables a comfortable mixed operation which serves for analysis and verification. The individual steps within the data processing were developed so that they can also be integrated in fully automated and highly scaled cloud systems and executed in a pipeline.

The ADTF framework provides the corresponding applications, services and interfaces to realize the required formats, connections and environments with on-board resources.

ADTF (Automotive Data & Time-Triggered Framework)

Todays framework to create ADAS functionality of tomorrow

The Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework was designed as a Rapid Prototyping Toolset, Simulation Framework and Test- and Measurement Tool to fulfill following main use cases:

  • Reuse software components in different simulation sets and test setups
  • Develop Plug and Play software and simply use your specific hardware
  • Use the same software on different platforms
  • Prototype automotive functionality
  • Provide basic communication definitions and interfaces
  • Build up fully automated and highly scalable software solutions and cloud (post)processing
  • Use automotive standards like CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, XCP, Some/IP, Automotive Ethernet / Autosart

ADTF is the comprehensive software framework for the development and testing of ADAS Functions up to autonomous systems. A simple and fast approach is available for every problem, so that own solutions can be developed effectively and efficiently. At the same time Digitalwerk provides a huge amount of specific ready-to- use tools and apps for many use cases. (> portfolio for details)

Base Delivery

Tools to set up, launch and control ADTF sessions


  • RPC and IPC interfaces for exchanging data and interaction
  • Components to set up a distributed system based on FEP, RTI-DDS and ROS2

Optimized for automotive needs

  • Recorder and player for time deterministic resimulation and further processing
  • Guidelines, definitions and components to use automotive standards (e.g. ASAM, Autosar, …)
  • ECU calibration using XCP and A2L
  • Entire toolchain to capture, assemble, encode/decode and visualize automotive related data
  • Handling for qualified timing, threading and scheduling

Full flexibility for custom development

  • C++/JS/QML SDK for customers to extend any functionality
  • Wrapper for rapid prototyping
  • Extendable 2D, 3D and signal visualization
  • Open Source File Library to read, write and process data streams offline

ADTF enables developers to:

  • Integration of Open Source Software for easy set up and administration of distributed systems
  • extensive Open Source File Library to read, write and process data streams offline on FEP, RTI-DDS and ROS2
  • C++/JS/QML SDK for customer to extend any functionality
  • Multiple use of software components in various simulation sets and test setups
  • enables developers to build up fully automated and highly scalable software solutions and cloud (post)processing tools
  • Application and consideration of automotive standards like CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, XCP, Some/IP, Automotive Ethernet / Autosar
  • test your algorithms efficiently

ADTF provides for developers:

  • One software framework on different platforms (x64, ARM64) and operating systems (Linux, Windows)• ADTF enables ‘Plug and Play’ of your specific hardware due to generic interfaces and buses
  • Ensures proper communication across all hardware components on specific platform
  • Entire toolchain to capture, assemble, decode/ encode and visualize automotive related data
  • Wasy handling for qualified timing, threading, and scheduling of Tests
  • Enables Prototyping of automotive functionality
  • Wrapper for rapid prototyping
  • Extensive toolset for set up, launch control of ADTF sessions
  • RPC and IPC interfaces for exchanging data and interaction
  • Comes with detailed and comprehensive guidelines, definitions and components regarding automotive standards (e.g. ASAM, Autosar)
  • Recorder and Player for time deterministic re- simulation and further processing of data
  • Extendable 2D, 3D and signal visualization
  • ECU calibration using XCP and A2L


Whether Audi, Volkswagen, BMW or Mercedes-Benz: they all rely on our constantly evolving tools for the development of intelligent driver assistance solutions up to the goal of autonomous driving. From the initial idea for a new feature to its readiness for series production, our software experts create the foundations for writing the future with every line of code.


AXML Parser

  • Tool for decoding of AUTOSAR described vehicle data bus systems

Open Source Diagnostic

  • Tool for license verification of open source software


  • High performance framework and toolset for recording, processing and playback of various data streams with common time base including SDK for customer specific extentions.

Customer Engineering

Mercedes Benz

  • Development of measurement technology software for autonomous systems


  • Connection of measurement technology hardware to ADTF
  • Visualization and processing of sensor data
  • Development of frameworks (FEP – Functional Engineering Platform)


  • Generation of RTE Code

Advanced testing


  • Structured ADAS real vehicle validation
  • Scenario modeling for the validation of the traffic jam pilot

Supertester by digitalwerk

  • Tool for onboard analysis for automated visualization and evaluation of test cases

Technology partners

  • brighter AI


Digitalwerk integrates open source software in ADTF

The base to set up a distributed system

The best example is the integration of the Functional Engineering Platform (FEP) into ADTF. FEP is a freely available and open-source licensed middleware. By integrating FEP, the Digitalwerk development team around Florian Roth (Head of Product Development ADTF) and Enrico Engel (CEO) sets the ADAS developer free from many challenges and stumbling blocks when setting up and administering a distributed system, without losing the proven high-performance real-time data management of ADTF including the recording and playback functions in validation, testing or rapid prototyping of ADAS functions.

With the ADTF Configuration Editor, Digitalwerk enables the simple configuration of a distributed system. This makes it possible to experience complex simulation, test and validation architectures in a simple form – whether executed locally on a PC or in highly scalable cloud environments.

FEP Scheme

FEP - Functional Engineering Platform

Performance Portfolio

Highly specialized software products for autonomous systems

Product Development

  • Software-Framework development
  • Time-synchronous data aquisition
  • Open Source development
  • Sales & Customer Service

Costumer specific product tailoring

  • Toolchain development for the calibration
  • High Speed Data Processing
  • Sensor- & hardware-integration
  • Web Services & Cloud Management

Advanced testing

  • Optimized test planning and execution • Tool-supported real-time validation
  • Tracing / Analytics
  • Virtual testing

Plug & Play
Data Logging

  • Bus communication using Peak, Star-Cooperation, NI
    and X2E logger

  • Video capturing using nvidia compatible cameras

  • Audio support for USB/ bluetooth microphones

  • Support for inertial navigation systems

  • Control/capture data from ETAS Ralo GCF Receiver

Missing Links

  • Reuse post processing algorithms in live mode (Rapid Prototyping,
    Data Logging)

  • Generation of Autosar SWC for integrated simulation (Rapid Prototyping)

  • Decoding using Autosar ARXML (Data Logging, Simulation)

  • Video encoding/ compression/ muxer (Simulation, Rapid Prototyping, Data Logging)

  • Support for decoding DLT and TECMP protocol

Import / Export
Post Processing

  • Read/process data from external recordings (e.g. mdf)

  • Export data for 3rd party application formats (e.g. pcap, parquet)


  • Dependency management

  • Packaging/deploying platform independent setups

  • Conversion of ADTF2-to-ADTF3 meta data

digitalwerk Portfolio

ARXML Parser by Digitalwerk

Performance is key

As a strong partner for measurement technology, Digitalwerk has developed an ARXML parser based on ADTF. This is already used by our customers such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Bosch and VW Group / CARIAD. In modern vehicles, all ECUs are connected to each other and form a network called a bus system.

Nowadays, bus systems are increasingly based on ARXML databases that contain information about the communication between ECUs, including the corresponding signals, frames and timings.

Parser plugins are instantiated by the Device Toolbox bus services and extend the functionality of parsing and loading signal databases.They act as an interface between the database and provide information to the Device Toolbox bus services.


Digitalwerk‘s ARXML parser engine can parse these ARXML databases very quickly and pass all the required information to the ARXML parser plug-in.

AUTOSAR is the standard in the automotive industry for developing entire vehicles and their bus systems in particular. Digitalwerk‘s ARXML parser offers for AUTOSAR versions 4.0 – 4.4 the common buses like CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay and SOME/IP.

ARXML Parser Plugin Supported Features


  • En-/Decoding of Messages/Signals
  • Multiplexed Signals


  • Time-Scheduling
  • A/B Channel-I/O
  • En-/Decoding of Frames/PDUs/Signals, Little-/Big-Endian
  • Monotone/Sawtooth
  • Counting-Policy
  • Increasing/Decreasing Bit- Order
  • Multiplexed PDU


  • Service-Events
  • Method-Calls (RPC)


  • Classic
  • Adaptive
  • Versions 4.0.3 / 4.2.2 / 4.3.1 / 4.4

The Supertester from digitalwerk

Your Zero-Error Guarantee In Test, Validation and Verification

Digitalwerk‘s Supertester provides automated acquisition and control of your ADAS functional tests during execution on an intuitive user interface.

The Supertester guarantees test managers less frustration due to incorrect test execution or non-compliance with defined parameters. Digitalwerk‘s Supertester thus enables greater safety and significant time and cost savings in the testing of ADAS functions.

Supertester’s Integration in the test process




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